Posted by: livesimply2livewell | July 27, 2009

Who am I, and what am I doing here?

Existentialist sensibilities aside, let’s start with my name, sex, age, marital status, offspring, and place of birth: 


Female (pretty obviously from the name). 

Age:  Baby Boomer, in fact I pretty much rode the crest of that demographic wave.   We are the ever-young, Peter-Pan generation, so whatever calendar age I might post, trust me:  “I was so much older then – I’m younger than that now.”  (thanks, Bob Dylan) 

Marital status:  Divorced long enough to be over it.

Offspring:  Light of my life, sweetest young woman you would ever want to know, my daughter.  She’s turning 28 this year, married happily to a wonderful man who treats her well.  Just thinking of Emily and the life she has shaped makes me smile.

Place of birth:  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Avalon in the North Boroughs, to be exact.

(Have a look at the “about” tab at the top of the page for a few other facets of me-ness).


  1. Aw, thanks!

  2. *smile!*

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